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Programs by Dr. Sharon Melnick

Change Agent Mastermind

Do you have a big mission in the world but it’s lonely at the top, and exhausting? Get inspiration, insight, and intimate ‘sisterhood’ in a like-minded group of Change Agents who will uplevel together (like Indra Nooryi said, we need a “sisterhood of leaders”). You’ll be personally stretched and delighted as you step into an unimagined version of yourself, where you will walk through your day enjoying your power and being filled with pleasure.

Next Level Leader Virtual Group Coaching Program (about to start)

This 12-week high touch virtual small group coaching program is a great fit for any woman from early to late in her career who’s looking to: elevate her contribution or get promoted; grow her confidence and play a bigger game; have more influence and turn every ‘no’ into a ‘yes’; handle internal conversations with ease and not react to difficult people; be more strategic and less in the weeds; or figure out their next chapter and pursue with conviction. Click below to learn more and register, the next cohort is about to start…
Flirt your way through the day

Flirt Your Way Through The Day Program (Starting November 23rd)

This 12-week high touch virtual small group coaching program is a great fit for any woman from early to late in her career who’s looking to: elevate her contribution or get promoted; grow her confidence and play a bigger game; have more influence and turn every ‘no’ into a ‘yes’; handle internal conversations with ease and not react to difficult people; be more strategic and less in the weeds; or figure out their next chapter and pursue with conviction. Click below to learn more and register, the next cohort is about to start…

In Your Power Masterclass

From the first day of starting this 6-week class, you will learn how to trust that you are enough and end the exhaustion of always needing to prove yourself. You’ll become a leader who stays calm and poised, not react defensively or take things personally. Learn mindsets and skillsets to be In Your Power fast, and be able to use your power for good with people at work and in your family forever.

Discover Your Power Profile

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