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Are you a senior leader who wants to have a bigger impact and be less drained by others?

For over 20 years, I’ve been the ‘go to’ “thought partner” for senior leaders looking to increase their impact while minimizing the “inner churn” of doubt, frustration, and busyness.
Coaching with me will help you be less reactive and more intentional, so you show up as the leader you want to be.

In this workshop, you’ll discover how to:

…Because when a woman is in her power, she raises everyone around her!

“Sharon was just brilliant! She led a group of women leaders through a discussion on how to find/regain/amplify our power and presence to ensure we are being seen, heard and achieving our intended impact. Her content was completely actionable and if applied could be game changing to help elevate our resilience, confidence, and influence. Additionally, how Sharon facilitated the session virtually was so engaging and fun – cameras were on and people were dialoguing. Awesome experience!”
- Brenna Turner, Genentech
“I first saw Sharon speak on women coming into their power at the (virtual) annual conference for Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association (HBA). She was so fantastic and dynamic that the room was alight with questions and dialogue and lots of engagement and enthusiasm in the chatroom. I found her so insightful that I reached out to ask her to join us for another presentation. She gave a powerful talk, including engaging Q&A with attendees. Everyone left inspired! I can’t recommend Sharon highly enough as a speaker on the topic of leadership development for women.”
– Loddie Foose, PhD, Seqirus

Resilience During Change

Increase Engagement, Seize Opportunities, and Deliver Value

Your organization has gone through a series of changes. Now each person does the work of three. Projects are delayed, and people are not accountable. Morale is low. Even high performers have ‘change-fatigue.’
How can you ensure they stay resilient and accountable rather than resistant? By turning obstacles into opportunity.
Dr. Sharon Melnkck delivers a process to keep your teams highly engaged and your high-performs committed in this powerful program.

Attendees will learn to:

“Buzz from your Resilience keynote was overwhelmingly positive. I still get thank you notes from senior leaders using the tools. And your Train-the-Trainer was a dream come true for me, it is among our most popular internal programs.”
– Jodi Davidson,Director, Diversity And Inclusion, Sodexo

You’re The Thermostat!

How Leaders Create the Weather on the Team

Participants can expect to consistently:

“Her session got the highest score among all the sessions of the Leadership Summit. She helped us engage and refuel and give forward direction to our leaders who have worked so hard and gone through so much change!”
– Funda Kalemci, Global Director of DEI, NielsenIQ

Discover Your Power Profile

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